26 September, 2013

SimpleMessageListenerContainer autoStartup and connectLazily properties

   Lately after replacing DefaultMessageListenerContainer with SimpleMessageListenerContainer I spotted that the second one ignores autoStartup setting.
Spring documentation states that SimpleMessageListenerContainer creates a fixed number of JMS sessions at startup and uses them throughout the lifespan of the container, but why this happens before checking the autoStartup flag. I chose to explore source code for an answer.
   Initialization of MessageListenerContainers is done automatically when context starts up, as they implement the Lifecycle interface. It is worth to remember that lazy-init flag is ignored for lifecycle beans.
 Let’s look how the initialization flow looks like:
  • constructor
  • set properties (here auto start-up flag is set)
  • post construct method – if defined
  • doInitialize
  • doStart
Execution of doStart method depends on autoStartup flag which is checked in DefaultLifecycleProcessor.startBeans. Both containers use AbstractJmsListeningContainer’s doStart implementation:
  • default container doesn’t override it at all
  • simple container executes it and after that initializes consumers
  • @Override
    protected void doStart() throws JMSException {
doStart establishes shared connection and resume all defined tasks. Default container task creates connection, session and consumer. Simple container doesn’t define any asynchronous tasks, instead it creates all these JMS components synchronously in its doInitialize method. So consumers initialization in doStart method is redundant in this case.

Since Spring 3.1 SimpleMessageListenerContainer has additional property connectLazily,that can be used to skip initialization of JMS components in doInitialize method. When this flag is set to true and autoStartup to false, then message listener container needs to be started manually.

29 July, 2013

SudokuSolver in Scala

    Lately I was preparing for Oracle JPA certification (1Z0-898) and finally succeeded with not very impressive result of 79%. I haven’t spent much time on learning, because I found other more joyful activities related to programming.
After finishing Scala course on coursera.org I spend a lot of time writing some simple apps in that language. Some of them not very useful, unless you want to list all polish names for girls, but one which is solver for Sudoku game I chose to put on GitHub. Maybe I will write some other posts about this program, but for now here is the link.
For those who are interested in 1Z0-898, for my preparation I used Enthuware mocks and read few sections from specification, that were listed as compulsory by authors of that mocks.

20 June, 2013

Operation Logic Executor - Source code

    It will be the last post in this series. If you found anything useful please don't hesitate to leave a comment. You can download last version of source code from GitHub. It's a little bit different than in posts, but the idea stays the same.

Operation Logic Executor - Adding executors

    Last version of the locking mechanism provides easy way to control access to resources before task execution, but it is hard to lock resources at the moment of function invocation. To clear what I mean let’s look at example of 2 tasks executed asynchronously are handled by the same thread pool executor with only one thread.
  • Both tasks (T1, T2) goes to blocking queue.
  • ResourceLockAspect is locking resources of T1.
  • T1 is executed
  • ResourceLockAspect releases resources of T1.
  • ResourceLockAspect is locking resources of T2.
  • T2 is executed
  • ResourceLockAspect releases resources of T2.
If T1 and T2 operate on the same resource, user may want to perform locking at the moment of invocation, to prevent T2 from being added to queue. Adding new wrapping object, on which we will lock resources and then performing operation asynchronously will partially solve the problem. I used the idea of executor to implement this functionality. Executor will be in fact decorator of OperationLogic.
public interface OperationExecutor<T> extends OperationLogic<T> {
    void setOperationLogic(OperationLogic<T> logic);
    OperationLogic<T> getOperationLogic();
Here is executor’s implementation example. I set bean’s scope to prototype, but if its only property is OperationLogic object with singleton scope and this property doesn’t change, we could also use singleton scope for executor.
public class TransactionProcessingExecutor implements OperationExecutor<Transaction> {

    private OperationLogic<Transaction> logic;

    @ResourceLock(identifierBuilder = TransactionIdentifierBuilder.class, resourceLocker = TransactionLocker.class, resourceLockerBeanName = "transactionLocker")
    public Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<Transaction> data) throws OperationFailedException {
        return logic.executeOperation(data);

    @Qualifier(value = "transactionProcessingLogic")
    public void setOperationLogic(OperationLogic<Transaction> logic) {
        this.logic = logic;

    public OperationLogic<Transaction> getOperationLogic() {
        return logic;
When executeOperation is invoked resources are locked and then injected operation is performed. If that operation is asynchronous, the invocation will occur and resources will be immediately released. This is why I previously wrote that current executor implementation only partially solve the problem. What I’m going to do is defining AsynOperationLogic with special method operationFinished invoked by aspect when executeOperation method returns
public interface AsyncOperationLogic<T> extends OperationLogic<T> {
    public void operationFinished();
    public void setResourceReleaser(ResourceReleaser releaser);
It also contains setter method to define object that will take care of releasing resources.
public class ReleaseResourcesAspect {

    private Logger             logger = LogManager.getLogger(ReleaseLockAspect.class);

    @After("execution(* pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.AsyncOperationLogic.executeOperation(pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.data.OperationData))")
    private void release(JoinPoint jp) {
        logger.debug("releasing resources");

Now I need to provide identifiers and locking mechanism that were used for locking to AsyncOperationLogic. Also I need to skip unlock in ResourceLockAspect. To achieve this I will extend @ReleaseLock annotation to indicate another bean that will take care of releasing resources
public @interface ResourceLock {
    Class<? extends IdentifierBuilder<?>> identifierBuilder();
    Class<? extends ResourceLocker> resourceLocker();
    String resourceLockerBeanName();
    String releaseResourceBeanName() default "";
and change ResourceLockAspect.execute method
    @Around("execution(* pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.OperationLogic.executeOperation(pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.data.OperationData))"
           +" && @annotation(resourceLock)")
    private <T> Object execute(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, ResourceLock resourceLock) throws Throwable {
        Object result = null;
        IdentifierBuilder<T> builder = resolveIdentifierBuilder(resourceLock);
        ResourceLocker locker = resolveResourceLocker(resourceLock);
        OperationData<T> operationData = (OperationData<T>) pjp.getArgs()[0];
        long[] objectsToLockIdentifiers = createIdentifiers(builder, operationData);// check if release resource bean is defined if yes initialize it
boolean releaseResourceDefined = resourceLock.releaseResourceBeanName().length()>0;
        initResourceReleaserOnAsyncOperationLogic(pjp.getTarget(), resourceLock.releaseResourceBeanName(), locker, objectsToLockIdentifiers);

        if (locker.lock(objectsToLockIdentifiers)) {
            try {
                result = pjp.proceed();
            } finally {
                if(!releaseResourceDefined) // release resource bean will take care of that
        } else {
            logger.info("Cannot perform operation " + operationData.getName() + ". Locked resources "
                            + new StrBuilder().appendWithSeparators(ArrayUtils.toObject(objectsToLockIdentifiers), ",").toString());
        return result;

    private void initResourceReleaserOnAsyncOperationLogic(Object target, String resourceReleaseBeanName, ResourceLocker locker, long[] objectsToLockIdentifiers) {
        AsyncOperationLogic<?> asyncOperationLogic = null;
        if (target instanceof AsyncOperationLogic<?>) {
            asyncOperationLogic = (AsyncOperationLogic<?>)target;
        } else if(target instanceof OperationExecutor<?>) {
            OperationExecutor<?> operationExecutor = (OperationExecutor<?>)target;
            if (operationExecutor.getOperationLogic() instanceof AsyncOperationLogic<?>) {
                asyncOperationLogic = (AsyncOperationLogic<?>)operationExecutor.getOperationLogic();
        if(asyncOperationLogic != null) {
            ResourceReleaser releaser = appContext.getBean(ResourceReleaser.class);
There are two changes comparing to prior version:
  • initResourceReleaserOnAsyncOperationLogic is added to initialize and set ResourceReleaser object
  • if resources releaser is defined the aspect doesn't unlock resources
Let's test this functionality by defining asynchronous logic:
public class AsyncTransactionProcessingLogic implements AsyncOperationLogic<Transaction> {

    private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(AsyncTransactionProcessingLogic.class);

    private OperationLogic<Transaction> logic;

    private ResourceReleaser releaser;

    public Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<Transaction> data) throws OperationFailedException {
        return logic.executeOperation(data);

    public void operationFinished() {
        logger.debug("operation finished");
    public void setResourceReleaser(ResourceReleaser releaser) {
        this.releaser = releaser;


and executor which will lock resources
public class TransactionProcessingExecutor implements OperationExecutor<Transaction> {

    private OperationLogic<Transaction> logic;

    @ResourceLock(identifierBuilder = TransactionIdentifierBuilder.class, resourceLocker = TransactionLocker.class, resourceLockerBeanName = "transactionLocker")
    public Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<Transaction> data) throws OperationFailedException {
        return logic.executeOperation(data);

    @Qualifier(value = "transactionProcessingLogic")
    public void setOperationLogic(OperationLogic<Transaction> logic) {
        this.logic = logic;

    public OperationLogic<Transaction> getOperationLogic() {
        return logic;
Executing 3 operations (2 trying to lock transaction 203002322 and 1 transaction 125593085) using pool with only one thread can produce an output:
[main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - starting asynchronous test with immediate lock
[main] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.lockers.TransactionLocker - acquiring lock on [203002322]
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 203002322
[main] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.lockers.TransactionLocker - acquiring lock on [125593085]
[main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - Cannot perform operation complicated Buy operation on account. Locked resources 203002322
[main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - executing other logic ...
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 203002322
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 203002322
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 203002322
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ReleaseResourcesAspect - releasing resources
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.AsyncTransactionProcessingLogic - operation finished
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.lockers.TransactionLocker - releasing lock on [203002322]
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 125593085
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 125593085
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 125593085
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 125593085
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ReleaseResourcesAspect - releasing resources
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.impl.AsyncTransactionProcessingLogic - operation finished
[singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.lockers.TransactionLocker - releasing lock on [125593085]
Buy operation couldn't access locked resources, when it was invoked. So the functionality works as desired.

22 May, 2013

Operation Logic Executor - Implementation of locking mechanism

   In previous post, I proved that we can easily combine concepts of asynchronous execution and resource locking. Now I can implement locking mechanism. I will use simple idea of storing locked resources’ identifiers in set, but there are no limits to create more complex solutions. First of all @ResouceLock should be configurable and give user possibility to use any locking method. That is why I extended previous @ResourceLock annotation to:
public @interface ResourceLock {
    Class<? extends IdentifierBuilder<?>> identifierBuilder();
    Class<? extends ResourceLocker> resourceLocker();
    String resourceLockerBeanName();
I added resourceLocker and resourceLockerBeanName to fetch bean containing locking logic. User can also define identifierBuilder bean, which will create unique identifiers for resources. I didn’t add bean name for builder, because I don’t want programmers to customize builder logic, while for resourceLocker it can be useful (e.g. locker inserting blocked identifiers to tables, where programmer will only change query for the same type of bean).
public interface IdentifierBuilder<T> {
    long[] getIdentifiers(OperationData<T> operationLogicArgs);

I decided to return identifiers as an array of longs. It means that programmer needs to take care of mapping different type keys or complex keys to long values. I’m aware that such a limitation can be inconvenient and error-prone, but for purpose of this example I will leave it as it is.
public interface ResourceLocker {
    boolean lock(long... identifiers);
    boolean unlock(long... identifiers);
    boolean isLocked(long identifier);
Here also it will be much more better to throw exception than return boolean value, which doesn’t give any information what went wrong.
Before implementing interfaces, lets present resource class.
public class Transaction {
    private long   accountNumber;
    private String transactionType;

    public long getAccountNumber() {
        return accountNumber;
    public void setAccountNumber(long accountNumber) {
        this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
    public String getTransactionType() {
        return transactionType;
    public void setTransactionType(String transactionType) {
        this.transactionType = transactionType;
For objects of this type I define operation similar to one used for strings processing from prior post:
public class TransactionProcessingLogic implements OperationLogic<Transaction> {

    private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TransactionProcessingLogic.class);

    public Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<Transaction> data) throws OperationFailedException {
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            Object obj = data.getValueObject();
            if (obj instanceof Transaction) {
                Transaction transaction = (Transaction) obj;
                long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                do {
                    logger.debug("processing " + transaction.getTransactionType() + " operation on account number: " + transaction.getAccountNumber());
                } while (startTime + 10000 > System.currentTimeMillis());
                result = true;
        } catch(InterruptedException e) {
        return new AsyncResult<Boolean>(result);

Only transactions for different accounts can be operated simultaneously. So identifier builder can provide account number.
public class TransactionIdentifierBuilder implements IdentifierBuilder<Transaction> {
    public long[] getIdentifiers(OperationData<Transaction> operationData) {
        return new long[] {operationData.getValueObject().getAccountNumber()};
Having identifiers I can implement ResourceLocker.
public class TransactionLocker implements ResourceLocker {

    private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TransactionLocker.class);

    private Set<Long>    lockedResources;

    private void init() {
        lockedResources = new HashSet<Long>();

    public boolean lock(long... identifiers) {
        Set<Long> resourcesIdentifiers = new HashSet<Long>();
        synchronized (lockedResources) {
            for (long identifier : identifiers) {
                if (lockedResources.contains(identifier)) {
                    return false;
            logger.debug("acquiring lock on " + resourcesIdentifiers);
        return true;

    public boolean unlock(long... identifiers) {
        Set<Long> resourcesIdentifiers = new HashSet<Long>();
        synchronized (lockedResources) {
            for (long identifier : identifiers) {
                if (lockedResources.contains(identifier)) {
            logger.debug("releasing lock on " + resourcesIdentifiers);
        return true;

    public boolean isLocked(long identifier) {
        return lockedResources.contains(identifier);

As I previously wrote, this simple implementation bases on storing objects identifiers in set. I moved logging that was initially in aspect into this class. In fact there are many more changes in aspect code.
public class ResourceLockAspect {

    private Logger             logger = LogManager.getLogger(ResourceLockAspect.class);

    private ApplicationContext appContext;

    @Around("execution(* pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.OperationLogic.executeOperation(pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.data.OperationData))"
           +" && @annotation(pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.annotations.ResourceLock)")
    private <T> Object execute(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
        Object result = null;
        ResourceLock resourceLock = fetchAnnotationData(pjp);
        IdentifierBuilder<T> builder = resolveIdentifierBuilder(resourceLock);
        ResourceLocker locker = resolveResourceLocker(resourceLock);
        OperationData<T> operationData = (OperationData<T>) pjp.getArgs()[0];
        long[] objectsToLockIdentifiers = createIdentifiers(builder, operationData);
        if (locker.lock(objectsToLockIdentifiers)) {
            result = pjp.proceed();
        } else {
            logger.info("Cannot perform operation " + operationData.getName() + ". Locked resources "
                            + new StrBuilder().appendWithSeparators(ArrayUtils.toObject(objectsToLockIdentifiers), ",").toString());
        return result;

    private <T> long[] createIdentifiers(IdentifierBuilder<T> builder, OperationData<T> operationData) {
        return builder.getIdentifiers(operationData);

    private <T> IdentifierBuilder<T> resolveIdentifierBuilder(ResourceLock annotation) {
        Class<? extends IdentifierBuilder<T>> identifierBuilder = (Class<? extends IdentifierBuilder<T>>) annotation.identifierBuilder();
        return appContext.getBean(identifierBuilder);

    private ResourceLocker resolveResourceLocker(ResourceLock annotation) {
        Class<? extends ResourceLocker> resourceLockerClass = annotation.resourceLocker();
        String resourceLockerBeanName = annotation.resourceLockerBeanName();
        return appContext.getBean(resourceLockerBeanName, resourceLockerClass);

    private ResourceLock fetchAnnotationData(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature();
        String methodName = signature.getMethod().getName();
        Class<?>[] parameterTypes = signature.getMethod().getParameterTypes();
        ResourceLock annotation = pjp.getTarget().getClass().getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes).getAnnotation(ResourceLock.class);
        return annotation;

First of all I changed a pointcut of my aspect. Previously advice was executed for all methods annotated with @ResourceLock. Currently it is required that method must be named executeOperation, take pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.data.OperationData parameter and belong to object implementing pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.OperationLogic. In line 14 I fetch annotation from method declaration and then use it to retrieve builder and locker beans. Using builder bean I can change objects stored in operationData argument into array of identifiers. These are passed to locking mechanism.
Methods for fetching beans and creating identifiers are straightforward, so I won’t describe them. More interesting is operation of annotation fetching. I get method name and parameters from join point and then find proper method, which provides also information about annotation. In fact there is a easier way to get annotation data of join point in Spring.
    @Around("execution(* pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.OperationLogic.executeOperation(pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.data.OperationData))"
           +" && @annotation(resourceLock)")
    private <T> Object execute(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, ResourceLock resourceLock) throws Throwable {

In this case annotation is added to method parameters and additionally pointcut definition is changed to point to this additional parameter @annotation(resourceLock).

Let’s check if locking mechanism works correctly. I used executor with pool size equal 5 and data:
    private void testAsyncTransaction() throws OperationFailedException {
        logger.info("starting asynchronous test");
        OperationLogic<Transaction> logic = appContext.getBean("transactionProcessingLogic",OperationLogic.class);
        OperationData<Transaction> sellTransactionDataForAccount1 = prepareOperationDataForTransaction(prepareTransaction(SELL_TRANSACTION, ACCOUNT_1));
        OperationData<Transaction> sellTransactionDataForAccount2 = prepareOperationDataForTransaction(prepareTransaction(SELL_TRANSACTION, ACCOUNT_2));
        OperationData<Transaction> buyTransactionDataForAccount1 = prepareOperationDataForTransaction(prepareTransaction(BUY_TRANSACTION, ACCOUNT_1));
        logger.info("executing other logic ...");

    private OperationData<Transaction> prepareOperationDataForTransaction(Transaction transaction) {
        OperationData<Transaction> transactionData = new TransactionData("complicated "+transaction.getTransactionType()+" operation on account");
        return transactionData;
    private Transaction prepareTransaction(String transactionType, long accountNumber) {
        Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
        return transaction;

Possible output is:
22:36:29.954 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - starting asynchronous test
22:36:29.960 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - executing other logic ...
22:36:29.968 [operationExecutor-3] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.lockers.TransactionLocker - acquiring lock on [203002322]
22:36:29.968 [operationExecutor-2] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.lockers.TransactionLocker - acquiring lock on [125593085]
22:36:29.968 [operationExecutor-3] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Buy operation on account number: 203002322
22:36:29.968 [operationExecutor-2] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 125593085
22:36:29.980 [operationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - Cannot perform operation complicated Sell operation on account. Locked resources 203002322
22:36:30.468 [operationExecutor-3] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Buy operation on account number: 203002322
22:36:30.469 [operationExecutor-2] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.operations.logic.TransactionProcessingLogic - processing Sell operation on account number: 125593085
Sell operation at line 7 was blocked as expected.

28 April, 2013

Operation Logic Executor - Combine fake locking with asynchronous execution

   Combining both solutions is trivial since I used aspects for them. I need to add @ResourceLock to my asynchronous method.
public class StringProcessingLogic implements OperationLogic<string> {

    private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(StringProcessingLogic.class); 

    public Future<boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<string> data) throws OperationFailedException {
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            do {
                logger.info("processing " + data);
            } while (startTime + 10000 > System.currentTimeMillis());
            result = true;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return new AsyncResult<boolean>(result);

Let's check the result
20:37:10.603 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - starting asynchronous test
20:37:10.629 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - executing other logic ...
20:37:10.635 [singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - acquiring lock on really long calculations::calculation data
20:37:10.635 [singleOperationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
20:37:20.137 [singleOperationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
20:37:20.638 [singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - releasing lock on really long calculations::calculation data
20:37:20.638 [singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - acquiring lock on transformation::transformed data
20:37:20.638 [singleOperationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data
20:37:30.138 [singleOperationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data
20:37:30.638 [singleOperationExecutor-1] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - releasing lock on transformation::transformed data

I’ve used executor with single thread so the result is as desired. The most important thing is that asynchronous execution takes precedence before locking. That is very good, in other way resources will be locked, method invoked asynchronously will immediately  returned and resources released before finishing asynchronous execution. So that’s REALLY great. Nice. Yeah, but why?

What exactly is defining order of different aspects invocation at the same join point? Well Spring documentation states:
When two pieces of advice defined in different aspects both need to run at the same join point, unless you specify otherwise the order of execution is undefined. You can control the order of execution by specifying precedence. This is done in the normal Spring way by either implementing the org.springframework.core.Ordered interface in the aspect class or annotating it with the Order annotation. Given two aspects, the aspect returning the lower value from Ordered.getValue() (or the annotation value) has the higher precedence.
For test purpose I will change my locking annotation order to be executed before @Async
public @interface ResourceLock {
In fact setting @ResourceLock to have the highest precedence (@Order equal the lowest integer), doesn’t change application’s behaviour. This is because AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor has set beforeExistingAdvisors property to true and always adds @Async advistor before others. According to Spring creators:
@Async always needs to be the first Advisor in the chain in order to provide meaningful around-invocation semantics 
It means that Spring provides correct ordering and I don't need to change anything in my code.

Operation Logic Executor - Spring Aspects

   I want to base my locking mechanism on Spring Aspects. So first lets shortly introduce simple example of using AOP. This aspect will be executed for all methods annotated with ResourceLock annotation.
public @interface ResourceLock {
Next preparation step is to add spring-aspects artifact to dependencies from previous post.
Now I can implement aspect.
public class ResourceLockAspect {

    private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ResourceLockAspect.class);

    private Object execute(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
        logger.debug("acquiring lock on "+ pjp.getArgs()[0]);
        logger.debug("releasing lock on "+ pjp.getArgs()[0]);
        return null;
Around advice type means that advice surrounds method invocation. I will need that to lock resources and then release them after method execution is finished. As defined before pointcut expression will invoke advice for each method annotated with ResourceLock. So lets define bean with such a method.
public class ObjectUsingFakeLocking {

    private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ObjectUsingFakeLocking.class);

    public void executeNormalMethod(String parameter) {
        logger.info("executeNormalMethod - " + parameter);

    public void executeMethodLockingResources(String parameter) {
        logger.info("executeMethodLockingResources - " + parameter);

Execution of both ObjectUsingFakeLocking methods
    private void testFakeLocking() {
        ObjectUsingFakeLocking obj = appContext.getBean(ObjectUsingFakeLocking.class);
        String param = "parameter";
19:40:34.192 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.ObjectUsingFakeLocking - executeNormalMethod - parameter
19:40:34.198 [main] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - acquiring lock on parameter
19:40:34.198 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.ObjectUsingFakeLocking - executeMethodLockingResources - parameter
19:40:34.198 [main] DEBUG pl.mariusz.marciniak.locking.aop.ResourceLockAspect - releasing lock on parameter
Okay, so my aspects work as desired. Next step is to combine it with asynchronous execution.

18 April, 2013

Operation Logic Executor - Asynchronous execution

   So let start with something really easy. I will add asynchronous execution to OperationLogic.executeOperation method.

Current declaration of this method doesn’t return any value, but throws OperationFailedException. It means that I cannot check what caused the failure, when operation was executed asynchronously. That’s why I chose to change executeOperation method to:
public interface OperationLogic<T> {
    Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<T> data) throws OperationFailedException;
Now I can check thrown exception using Future object. I also added generics to avoid casting. Before implementing first sample class of OperationLogic, I need to add some dependencies to my Maven project

Okay I added core, context and aspects Spring jars required to use @Async and additionally log4j library for logging.
public class StringProcessingLogic implements OperationLogic<String> {

    private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(StringProcessingLogic.class); 
    public Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<String> data) throws OperationFailedException {
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            do {
                logger.info("processing " + data);
            } while (startTime + 10000 > System.currentTimeMillis());
            result = true;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return new AsyncResult<Boolean>(result);

Now I only need to define packages which Spring should scan for beans
    <context:component-scan base-package="pl.mariusz.marciniak.async" />
and can test current solution. Here is code that I executed:
private void testAsyncString() throws OperationFailedException {
    logger.info("starting asynchronous test");
    OperationLogic<String> logic = (OperationLogic<String>)appContext.getBean("stringProcessingLogic",OperationLogic.class);
    OperationData<String> calculationData = new OperationData<String>("really long calculations");
    calculationData.setValueObject("calculation data");
    OperationData<String> transformationData = new OperationData<String>("transformation");
    transformationData.setValueObject("transformed data");
    logger.info("executing other logic ...");
If OperationData.toString method is overridden, you can get output similar to this one:
23:21:28.773 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - starting asynchronous test
23:21:28.775 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
23:21:29.275 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
23:21:38.275 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
23:21:38.777 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data
23:21:39.277 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data
23:21:48.277 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data
23:21:48.777 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - executing other logic ...
What we have here is standard synchronous execution, to make it asynchronous I need to create ThreadPoolTaskExecutor. It can be easily achieved with Spring, by adding definition of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor into configuration file and attach this pool to be used by @Async annotation
    <task:executor id="operationExecutor" pool-size="5"/>
    <task:annotation-driven executor="operationExecutor" />
Then I annotate StringProcessingLogic.executeOperation
public Future<Boolean> executeOperation(OperationData<String> data) throws OperationFailedException {
and run my test one more time
23:46:26.887 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - starting asynchronous test
23:46:26.892 [main] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.AsyncMainTest - executing other logic ...
23:46:26.892 [operationExecutor-2] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data
23:46:26.892 [operationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
23:46:27.392 [operationExecutor-1] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing really long calculations::calculation data
23:46:27.392 [operationExecutor-2] INFO  pl.mariusz.marciniak.async.StringProcessingLogic - processing transformation::transformed data

As we can see executeOperation methods returned immediately, that is why we have “executing other logic…” right after “starting asynchronous test”. Also transformation and calculation operations work in parallel and are not executed by main thread anymore.
What if for some operation I want asynchronous execution, but not concurrent. Of course I can define pool with only one thread. So lets add another executor pool
    <task:executor id="singleOperationExecutor" pool-size="1"/>
Almost done. The problem is that @Async is still using my default annotations' executor. So I need to define executor explicitly in my not concurrent operation

17 April, 2013

Operation Logic Executor - Assignment Description

  "Operation Logic Executor" will be series of posts related to task, for which I need to prepare proof of concept.

Assignment Details 
System contains various operations defined in classes implementing OperationLogic interface. According to provided data, it chooses correct operation and executes it. Currently all executions are synchronous. I need to add asynchronous execution and configurable locking mechanism, using Spring Framework. Declaration of OperationLogic can be changed.
public interface OperationLogic {
    void executeOperation(OperationData data) throws OperationFailedException;
Lets start...

28 March, 2013

Mission Accomplished!!!

   Today I've passed "Oracle Certified Professional Java EE Business Component Developer" exam with score 90%. I used the most standard suite of OCPJBCD materials:
   This should be enough, but you can also read some other books eg. "EJB 3 in Action" or "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1" and remeber to visit Big Moose Saloon

Finally another OCPJBCD question, which I sadly screwed up:

A Singleton bean can expose which of the following client views?
  1. An asynchronous message destination
  2. Web Service view
  3. Message Driven
  4. EJB 2.x Remote home
  5. EJB 3.x local business
  6. JPA Entity view
Do you know? The correct answer is 2,5.

27 March, 2013

Source code syntax highlighting

   Alex Gorbatchev JavaScript Syntax Highlighter JavaScript Library initialization:
<link href='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/styles/shCore.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/styles/shThemeDefault.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shCore.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
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<script src='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shBrushCss.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shBrushJava.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shBrushJScript.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shBrushPhp.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
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<script language='javascript'>
SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;
SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = 'http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/clipboard.swf';

This code must be added to <head> section of Blogger's template . Now we can easily use it with <pre> tag:
<pre class="brush: java">
// Comment
public class SomeClass {
    public void someMethod() {
        System.out.println("Hello World");

Asynchronous methods executed not via Container

   I’m preparing to OCPJBCD currently, so I will start my blogging with topic related to this exam. It is about using asynchronous methods.
package pl.mariusz.marciniak.bean;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.ejb.Asynchronous;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

public class AsynchMethodBeanTest {
 SessionContext beanContext;
 public void asynchMethod() {
  try {
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 public void invokeMethod() {
  long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
  System.out.println("Execution time :"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time));

Do you know what will be the output, if we execute invokeMethod method?

The answer can be "Execution time :1001". For sure it will be value not lower than 1000. It is because execution is out of the container, so it is not asynchronous in fact. How we can change it? We can replace invokeMethod with one below.
public void invokeMethod() {
  long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
  System.out.println("Execution time :"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time));
Now it took 2 ms on my machine. Hope you like it.

3,2,1... launch

So here I'm, starting my brand new blog. A little bit late, but I hope to find more time in future to post regulary. This blog will be mainly about programming in Java, as it is strictly related to my job and hobbies.

For the BIG START, in a coding style, I will say Hello World. This will be to easy to do in Java, so here is  Brainfuck version :)
